Beware of Toxic Curricula:

Liberated/Politicized Ethnic Studies

Below are some examples of biased, politicized content that has ended up in schools.

How did this happen?

Liberated Ethnic Studies (ES) was developed by activists that wrote the rejected draft of California's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC). Governor Gavin Newsom was so alarmed about this draft that he promised that it should "never see the light of day.” 

Unfortunately, the same activists and their trainees, are now promoting the rejected materials to districts, and some schools are falling prey to their efforts. Parents, community members and educators are often shocked when they discover what is creeping into the classroom. Several lawsuits have already been filed across the state, with more pending.

Concerned about these rogue curricula, Governor Newsom and the State Board of Education (SBE) issued a letter referring to AB 101, the law requiring ES and specifying that rejected content should not be used in ES courses. The letter warned that some vendors are promoting inappropriate materials and encouraged districts to ensure that they follow legislative and SBE guidance.


Numerous parent groups and organizations have filed law suits against politized ethnic studies organizations and districts for civil rights discrimination, intentional lack of transparency, and teaching false information.

The New York Times The Debate Over Ethnic Studies highlights the growing tensions between parents and school-sponsored radicalism.

In colleges, Liberated Ethnic Studies is an openly politicized subject – one that Liberated activists explicitly state is rooted in specific politics and activism. This is why the ESMC draws the important distinction:

At the college and university level, Ethnic Studies and related courses are sometimes taught from a specific political point of view. In K–12 education, it is imperative that students are exposed to multiple perspectives, taught to think critically, and form their own opinions.
— Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, California 2021