Constructive Approach
Learning Outcomes
Constructive Ethnic Studies is an umbrella term referring to a range of non-politicized Ethnic Studies curricula. Such curricula ensure that the often untold stories and contributions of ethnic minorities are highlighted, while critically analyzing race and racism historically and in modern context, and encouraging more student engagement. The approach uses an inquiry-based foundation enabling students to learn about the histories, cultures, struggles, and contributions to American society of historically marginalized peoples, as directed by the California State Board of Education.
There are many ways to create a constructive Ethnic Studies curriculum, but most have similar learning outcomes.
A constructive Ethnic Studies course should lead students to:
Study a wide variety of perspectives in order to foster cooperation and understanding across ethnic and cultural boundaries, celebrating the multitude of ways people of diverse backgrounds contribute to the United States.
Challenge racist, bigoted, discriminatory beliefs and practices.
Be empowered to better understand their own identities, value differences and inclusion, further a sense of human commonality, and thrive in a world of diversity.
Explore a range of approaches to bring about change in the US, and build the capacity to make informed, empathetic decisions as engaged participants in the democratic process.
Develop an understanding and appreciation of how race, ethnicity, nationality, and culture have shaped and continue to shape individuals and society in local communities and the United States overall.
Develop interpersonal and intercultural communication skills, learning to discuss potentially controversial topics, dialog respectfully with those holding different opinions, analyze issues, and express personal concerns. Gain experience actively listening and interacting with curiosity.
A broad range of courses qualify as Ethnic Studies - from African American Literature to Hispanic Mural Art Painting to Vietnamese American History. There are also various effective survey Ethnic Studies courses available.
Contact us here to request a full curriculum sample or training options.